Linux Basic Commands

With my first  post I am adding some of the basic and most frequently used Linux commands. Most of the commands mentioned here can be used in numerous methods. Detailed usage of each commands will be the subject of my next posts.


Command Description
clear Clears the terminal screen
mkdir Create directory
cd Change directory
pwd Print current/working directory
ls Lists the contents of a directory
cp Copy files and directories
mv Move / Rename files and directories
rm Remove files or directories
cat Create, display, append and copy a text file
vi Edit a text file
more Filtered text outputs one screenful at a time, primitive and limited backward navigation
less similar to more but allows backward and forward movements
head output the first part of files
tail output the last part of files
find search and find the location of a file
locate find a file's location by name
lnMake link between files
cmpCompare two files
diffcompare files line by line
which Shows full path of the command
whereis locate the binary, source and manual pages of a command
id show real and effective user id
who shows who all are logged in
w shows who is logged in and what are they doing
whoami print the current user
man Command reference manual
info Read info documents
ps Lists current processes
kill Terminate process
echo Display a line of text
wall Send message to all terminal
date print or set the system date and time
cal Calendar
touchCreate empty files and changing timestamps


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