How to create a directory in Linux


In order to create one or more than one directory in Linux we use the command mkdir. For creating a directory you type mkdir followed by the directory name.The command will create a new directory, provided a directory by the same name do not already exist. The syntax to create a directory in Linux is as shown below

mkdir directory_name
mkdir /path/to/directory 

mkdir my_documents

mkdir my_documents otherStuffs
mkdir my_documents/Pictures

The first method creates a directory by the name my_documents. In the second method two directories by the name my_documents and otherStuffs are created. The method creates a directory Pictures inside an already existing directory my_documents.

To create a directory within a new directory use -p flag along with mkdir. When used with -p flag command will check whether the parent directory exists. If not create the parent directory and then the sub-directory

mkdir -p my_documents/work
In the above case if there is no directory by the name my_documents in the current directory, a new directory my_documents will be created along with the sub-directory work


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