Linux user management - Create, Remove, modify an user account
User Management is one of the major responsibilities of a System Administrator. The user can either be an account associated with an application or a human being. This post shows how a user account can be created, removed and modified via CLI.
useradd command
To create a new user in Linux, we use the useradd command. The syntax for useradd command is
useradd [options]username
Important options
-d | set home directory of the new account |
-e | set account expire date |
-g | set primary group |
-G | set the secondary groups |
-s | login shell for new account |
-u | set UID |
useradd foo
useradd -g bar foo
useradd -G admin foo
useradd -s /sbin/nologin foo
userdel command
To remove a user in Linux, we use the userdel command. The syntax for useradd command is
userdel [options]username
userdel foo
The above command removes user named foo but the user home directory and mail spool will exist. To remove a user account along with home directory and mail spool, type
userdel -r foo
usermod command
To modify an existing user use the usermod command.The syntax for useradd command is
usermod [options]username
Important options
-a | append new groups to the list of existing secondary groups |
-d | modify home directory of a user account |
-e | modify account expire date |
-g | modify primary group |
-G | modify the secondary groups |
-L | lock user account |
-m | Move the content of the user's home directory to the new location |
-s | login shell for new account |
-u | set UID |
-U | Unlock user account |
To modify and move the contents of user foo's home directory from /home/foo to /home/bar, type
usermod -d /home/bar/ -m foo
To forcefully change the primary group of user foo to admin, type
usermod -g admin foo
To modify user foo with secondary group as bar, type
usermod -G bar foo
To append a new group named calypso, with out removing the existing secondary groups, type
usermod -G calypso -a foo
To temporarily lock a user foo, from logging in
usermod -L foo
There are alternate methods of creating, removing and modifying user accounts, which will be covered in later post. For more options and details about the commands see the respective man pages.
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