How to copy files or directories from command line in linux ?
For copying files and directories from command line we use cp command. The Syntax for cp command is as follows
cp source destination
cp [options] sourcefile destinationfile
cp [options] sourcefile /path/to/destination_directory
cp [options] /path/to/source_directory /path/to/destination_directory
cp [options] sourcefile destinationfile
cp [options] sourcefile /path/to/destination_directory
cp [options] /path/to/source_directory /path/to/destination_directory
To copy a file README.txt from current directory to a directory named Documents located in my home directory
cp README.txt /home/calypso/Documents
To copy a file README.txt into a new file ReadMe27022014.txt in the same directory, type
cp README.txt ReadMe27022014.txt
To create a backup copy of /etc/resolv.conf configuration file in the home directory, type
cp /etc/resolv.conf /home/calypso/resolv.conf.bak
To copy a directory cp command should be used along with -r (recursive) option, else cp command will omit the directory. For example to copy a directory named work to another directory Documents located in my home directory, type
cp -r work/ /home/calypso/Documents/
Some Important options:
- -f (force) : if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it and try again
- -i (interactive) : prompt before overwrite
- -p (preserve) : preserves the mode, ownership and timestamps of the source file in the destination file
- -v (verbose) : Explains what is being done
For the complete list of options see the cp command's man page
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