
Showing posts from April, 2014

How to create links in linux?

To create a link file we use the command ln in Linux. Using ln command we can create both hard link and symbolic (soft) link.

What are the different link files in linux ?

A file in Unix/*nix environment consist of two part, a filename part and a data part.  File name is just a reference or a link to the data part. The data part is known as i-node and it is the i-node of a file which stores the information regarding the file like file permission, file location, file size etc... Usually a file's data is accessed by calling the filename. But there are methods by which same data can be accessed using several names. We call these methods Link. Links are divided into 2 types. They are

Linux File System

Just imagine an office environment before the arrival of computers.  All the data connected with the office will be available in paper and kept in a file. In a big organization there will be thousands of file. It will be hard to keep track of all these files unless all the files are kept safely and well organized. This not only helps to track a file easily but also improves work efficiency of the place.  Now lets co-relate the scenario with a computer. Instead of paper files, in a Computer System

what is an inode?

In Unix/*nix every file has a data structure known as i-nodes (index nodes). Each i-node stores all the information regarding a file like File type File mode or permission Number of links User ID Group ID File size Time stamp File deletion time